Di Pasquale Giampaolo
Via Bruno Buozzi, 12
93013 Mazzarino (CL)
P.IVA 02051310858
Codice Univoco X2PH38J
Website created with the contribution of FEARS-PSR Sicily 2014/2020 resources
Submeasure 4.1 -
Support for investments in agricultural companies support application number 54250525679 CUP MASTER G56D19000310009 CUP G56D19000320007,
publication date of the announcement 05/29/2017
By Pasquale Giampaolo
€0.00 (Out Of Stock)
€0.00 (Out Of Stock)
€0.00 (Out Of Stock)
€0.00 (Out Of Stock)
Descrizione in allestimento
l'olio extravergine di oliva Siciliana